• KPI 1: In 2022, 10 NSOs will implement the outcomes of the Scouts for Gender Equality project and 25 regional ambassadors will be trained in topics related to HeforShe and SDG5.

    February 2021

  • June 2021
  • November 2021
  • KPI 2: Before the end of the triennium, 1 training on minorities and human rights will be delivered to 10 NSO's and 3 crowdcasts on intercultural and inter-religious dialogue targeted to young people will be delivered.

    June 2021

  • November 2021
  • March 2022
  • KPI 3: By November 2020, a recommendation paper (reel) on ensuring the inclusive participation of Scouts from different backgrounds in Home Scouting will be shared with the Member Organizations (New KPI).

    February 2021

  • KPI 4:By the end of the triennium, 10 individual users per month will be engaged through the Diversity and Inclusion self assessment.

    June 2021

  • November 2021
  • March 2022
  • KPI 5: Throughout the triennium, the engagement in the WOSM Diversity and Inclusion Service area will increase with 25% with at least 10 new good practices collected and added to the platform. At least 3 on collecting data and measuring D&I will be shared by December 2021.

    June 2021

  • November 2021
  • November 2021



  • KPI 1: By the end of triennium we will engage 15 ambassadors to deliver one activity in their local or regional level, deliver two NSO Ambassador trainings, and, through the mentor system, we will have 2 new accredited facilitators, 1 accredited trainer and 2 new volunteers joining the regional team.

    June 2021

  • November 2021
  • March 2022
  • KPI 1: By the end of triennium we will engage 15 ambassadors to deliver one activity in their local or regional level, deliver two NSO Ambassador trainings, and, through the mentor system, we will have 2 new accredited facilitators, 1 accredited trainer and 2 new volunteers joining the regional team.

    June 2021

  • November 2021
  • March 2022



  • KPI 1: Pilot projects implemented in 5 MOs, based on a reviewed methodology built on the existing results of the World Social Impact project, in cooperation with a recognised academic/scientific partner.

    June 2021

  • November 2021
  • March 2022
  • KPI 2: 4 MOs involved in the Impact of Scouting pilot projects receive further recommendations from the Region and the conclusions are captured in a report identifying general trends. At least 3 activities promoting the Impact of Scouting project within MOs are organised.

    June 2021

  • November 2021
  • March 2022
  • KPI 3: By October 2021, the first consultants of Impact of Scouting WOSM Service area are trained based on the developed resources and ready to deliver services to NSOs/NSAs.

    June 2021

  • November 2021
  • March 2022
  • KPI 4: By August 2021, a report will have been issued summarising the results of a survey and secondary investigations into the Impact of Scouting during the Covid-19 outbreak.

    June 2021



  • KPI 1: By the end of the triennium, a CO2 reduction proposal and compensation policy, a sustainable consumption policy for regional meetings and a Position paper about SDGs and a proposal for a "Youth Council" will be created and ready to be submitted to the European Committee.

    June 2021

  • November 2021
  • March 2022
  • KPI 3: By the end of 2021, five existing SDG related Youth Programme materials will be made accessible. By the end of the triennium, an e-learning module for new volunteers and staff will be created and tested. Knowledge and support on sustainability will be provided towards NSOs through at least three different methods.

    June 2021

  • November 2021
  • March 2022
  • KPI 3: By the end of 2021, five existing SDG related Youth Programme materials will be made accessible. By the end of the triennium, an e-learning module for new volunteers and staff will be created and tested. Knowledge and support on sustainability will be provided towards NSOs through at least three different methods.

    June 2021

  • November 2021
  • March 2022



  • KPI 1: By December 2021 appropriate measures to quantify the European regions progress towards sustainability have been identified, involving all relevant stakeholders, and processes to obtain according data to feed into the monitoring platform have been proposed.

    June 2021

  • November 2021
  • November 2021
  • KPI 2: By April 2022 we have a version 1.0 tool to monitor sustainability in the European Region and have tested the tool with the input of 3 working groups over 3 months time .

    June 2021

  • November 2021
  • March 2022
  • KPI 3: Produce a report to the conference 2022 that includes the presentation of the sustainability monitoring system, the outcomes of the testing phase and also suggestions on what further steps to take regarding this system.

    June 2021

  • November 2021
  • March 2022



  • November 2020



  • KPI 1: By the end of March 2020, a checklist for organising sustainable events in the European Scout Region will be created.

    June 2020