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Coordination and Support

  • By March 2021, we have identified the needs and challenges of 75% of the MOs in Europe through a variety of data sources.
  • By the end of the triennium, 80% of all MOs have requested a WOSM Service.
  • By the end of the triennium, 75% of the consultants in the Region are satisfied with the management and the coordination of their role.
  • By the end of the triennium, we have facilitated interaction between all relevant* consultants and all relevant* teams.
  • By the end of the Triennium at least 80% of the regional volunteers, coordinators, committee agree that the delivery of the RSP is being monitored through non-bureaucratic, feedback driven and accessible approach.
  • By January 2021 and June 2022 we compile reports with relevant qualitative and quantitative data for the MOs and with clear recommendations for the Committee.
  • At the European Scout Conference an inspiring showcase of collected highlights of the triennium based on the final report will be presented.
  • By June 2020, an assessment report with recommendations on the actions and structures needed is submitted to the European Scout Committee
  • By June 2020 we will have analyzed 3 events from well defined event-categories, each, focussing on defined areas to assess based on data from previous events and input from NSO/NSAs
  • By August 2020 we will have produced and made available an accessible presentation of the main results of our research, providing the connection and reasoning towards our future recommendations
  • By September 2020, we will present actionable recommendations to the committee that will help them to consider the best approach to deliver impactful events.

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Strategic Priorities

  • In 2022, 10 NSOs will implement the outcomes of the Scouts for Gender Equality project and 25 regional ambassadors will be trained in topics related to HeforShe and SDG5
  • Before the end of the triennium, 1 training on minorities and human rights will be delivered to 10 NSO's and 3 crowdcasts on intercultural and interrelious dialogue targeted to young people will be delivered
  • By 2021, 10 individual users per month will be engaged through the Diversity and Inclusion self assessment
  • Throughout the triennium, the engagement in the WOSM Diversity and Inclusion Service area will increase with 25% with at least 10 new good practises collected and added to the platform. At least 3 on collecting data and measuring D&I will be shared by December 2021
  • Pilot projects implemented in 5 MOs, based on a reviewed methodology build on the existing results of the World Social Impact project, in cooperation with a recognised academic/scientific partner.
  • 4 MOs involved in the Impact of Scouting pilot projects receive further recommendations from the Region and the conclusions are captured in a report identifying general trends. At least 3 activities promoting the Impact of Scouting project within MOs are organised.
  • By October 2021, the first consultants of Impact of Scouting WOSM Service area are trained based on the developed resources and ready to deliver services to NSOs/NSAs
  • By August 2020, a report to the European Scout Committee with concrete proposals for actions that will help the MOs and the Region to integrate the Social, Economic and Environmental dimensions of the 17 SDGs in their adminstration, educational resources and events is submitted
  • By the end of March 2020 a checklist for organising sustainable events in the European Scout Region will be created

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External Relations

  • Maintain and develop partnerships with external partners by supporting at least one event with MOs and external partners and attending 4 external events that support achievement of the strategic priorities.
  • 50 Scouts from diverse backgrounds within the region have participated in a spokesperson training.
  • Outputs on the strategic priorities from the other European working groups are collected twice a year and feeded into achieving our advocacy goals by promoting them to external partners and European audience.
  • Promote European frameworks, programmes and policies and their relevance to 10 MOs through events such as the Academy. 75% of MOs are aware of the Regional advocacy work, and' 5 MOs engage with the Region in the advocacy of topics relevant to their work through WOSM Services.
  • 90% of NSOs are opening and reading the official Regional communication
  • At least 3 key outputs are communicated on to NSOs and externally per strategic priority area during the triennium in the form of impact stories
  • At least 25 NSOs take part in the forum and contribute to the improvement of the image of Scouting nationally/ at least 10 services requests in the area of communication are received either directly through the platform or indirectly through regional contacts.
  • Gain overview of current resources (list) and succesfully apply for 1 new source of funding
  • The new Erasmus report updated by the end of the triennium shows a progress of at least 25% of access to funding from European Sources
  • By 2021, 3 joint field visits to measure impact of MoP on Scouting in the last triennium are conducted and a number of field visits based on the concept note of the global final evaluation are realised.
  • All internal communication is chanelled via Fluxx within the first 6 months of the deployment of the platform and 2 communication instances are realised for the MOs in 2020
  • Best practices on grant management are shared in at least 1 regional event and feedback on project management cycles is provided to the first 5 projects.

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Finance Support Group

  • By September 30, 2020, the FSG will have established a monitoring and supporting process for the budget, including documentation pertaining thereto.
  • By the end of the triennium, the FSG will have written proposals for best practices in finance, investments and fundraising based upon consultation and reconciliation in particular with the ESC, the fundraising group and the ESF.
  • By Q4/2020, the FSG has in place reporting standards translating the analysis and controls of the budget into understandable language, pictures and figures.
  • By the end of the triennium, the FSG has analysed current Investments of the foundation, and has given a recommendation for more sustainable investments and if necessary an adjustment of the investment policy
  • By the end of each calendar year, the FSG will have reviewed the current financial management of the region and propose specific proposals as how to improve the financial management by new initiatives.
  • Continuously, and as the request may be, the FSG will provide support and guidance for member organisations.
  • By Q4/2020, the FSG will, in co-operation with the Regional Director, have developed a high level risk register including a proposal on how to monitor the risks described therein on a regular basis.

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Some relevant quote in relation to the Coordination and support area.

Some volunteer

Some NSO
Some relevant quote in relation to the Coordination and support area.

Some volunteer

Some NSO
Some relevant quote in relation to the Coordination and support area.

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Some NSO

The Team

Some volunteer

Info about the volunteer

Some volunteer

Info about the volunteer

Some volunteer

Info about the volunteer

Some volunteer

Info about the volunteer

Some volunteer

Info about the volunteer